About K&F




Empower. Elevate. Inspire. Educate. When it comes to the sneaker community, Black women are often overlooked and undervalued, even though we bring so much to the culture. Kicks & Fros is a space for US, a table created so that we can uplift and empower women to keep taking risks, expressing ourselves, and creating a new status quo. We're having fun with sneakers, and educating women who are ready to unleash her inner SneakHERhead. We ALL have a sneaker style. Kicks and Fros helps you find yours.





Our CKO aka Chief Kicks Officer Melissa Carneige wears many hats. She’s most known for her lifestyle blog MelissaChanel.com where she covers everything from personal style to travel and her massive sneaker collection. In May of 2017 Melissa gave birth to Kicks and Fros as a creative way to highlight black and brown women in the sneaker space on instagram. That social media page has now turned into a full on business with a community of women who have the same love or want to learn more about sneakers and the culture around it. Melissa is excited to not only help black and brown women find their sneaker style, but also become a voice in a male dominated industry.